Welcome. You are in the right place if you would like to learn more about self love, self acceptance, self care, confidence, making yourself a priority, and living a happy fulfilling life.

My name is Sandra Mayeux. I live in California with my husband, two human children, and one adorable fur baby (the kids are pretty cute too). I love to read, watch movies, shop, photography, and doing paper crafts. But my real passion is helping women learn to love and accept themselves, make themselves a priority, take self care seriously, connect with their inner power, and learn to enjoy the little things in life.

As a woman you probably tend to put everyone else’s needs before your own. You are overwhelmed with all your responsibilities and you are busy all the time! Somehow in the hustle and bustle of daily life your wants and needs got put on the back burner. You forgot to take care of yourself. Unfortunately that is when problems occur. You either go on auto pilot and walk through life in a fog, become depressed, or get sick. I did all three.

But now I know how to possibly stop it from happening to others and I want to shout it from the rooftops. You don’t have to be an auto immune disease waiting to happen like I was. You can change your life before it is too late.

I want to help you be happy, fulfilled, and content. You deserve that. I can teach you how to love and accept yourself and your whole life can change because of it.

In a 30 minute free strategy session we will discuss what is holding you back from living the life you desire. We will determine if we would be a good fit to work together, and if so we will brainstorm goals to help you move toward your dreams.

Book your session below: